1. “The ___” (Mr. T’s 1980s show) (hyph.)
6. Word on an octagonal sign
10. ___ chi (relaxing martial art)
13. Multiple Tour de France winner Armstrong
14. Valve ___ (lubricants for brass instruments)
15. Reverse an action in word processing
17. Headwear called a Tropenhelm in German (2 words)
19. Brass instrument called a туба in Russian
20. It’s between the W and R on laptops (2 words)
21. “Here ___ nothing …”
22. Express audibly
23. Word often seen with “neither”
24. “The Raven” writer Edgar Allan ___
25. Greek letter that’s also an abbreviation on car tires
26. One who gets paid to play
28. Controls on an amp
31. Initial public offering, in the stock market (abbrev.)
34. Event called a défilé in French
37. Wind instrument called a klarnet in Polish
39. Marching group
40. “One more time!”
42. Opener of a Shakespearean play (2 words)
43. Percussion instrument called a bombo in Spanish (2 words)
45. Brass instruments called signalhorns in Danish
47. Sault ___ Marie, Ont. (abbrev.)
48. Fudd who chases Bugs Bunny
50. Debt note given when you can pay later
51. United ___ (non-profit charitable organization)
52. 1997 U.S. Open champ Ernie
54. “Uncle” on U.S. posters
57. India’s northern neighbor
60. Place to start on a jigsaw puzzle
62. Use as a reference
63. Auxilliary item called a lipp in Estonian
64. Brass instrument called a szárnykürt in Magyar, the language of Hungary
66. Disney’s “___ & Stitch”
67. “Harry Potter” actress Watson
68. DNA segments that carry information
69. C.P.E. Bach, to J.S. Bach
70. Rope-a-___ (boxing strategy)
71. Where ships are located (2 words |
1. Prefix for a long “horn” played on Swiss mountaintops
2. Japanese drumming with large drums and thick wooden sticks
3. “Star Trek” ship
4. “___ Breaky Heart” (hit Billy Ray Cyrus song)
5. “It’s OK, but not great” expression
6. Played by oneself
7. 2/4 ___ signature (pattern used for marches)
8. Cheers at some soccer stadiums
9. Wintertime time zone in Los Angeles (abbrev.)
10. ___ frutti (ice cream flavor)
11. “Sometimes you feel like ___, sometimes you don’t” (candy jingle) (2 words)
12. “___ delighted!” (2 words)
16. Canoe paddle
18. Inflated in narcissistic people
22. World’s largest country, once (abbrev.)
24. Pea’s enclosure
25. It’s used when your
original scheme doesn’t work (2 words)
27. They’re like mice, but larger
29. “___, I saw, I conquered” (2 words)
30. Boxer Muhammad once called “The Greatest”
31. Flaws inside a diamond
32. Fall Out Boy lead singer Wentz
33. “Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay” singer Redding
34. British taverns
35. Med school subject that studies the body (abbrev.)
36. At daybreak, perhaps
38. “Aladdin” parrot named for an “Othello” villain
41. Chewable stuff usually not allowed at band practice
44. Pass out the cards
46. “___ for Undertow”
(2009 Sue Grafton novel) (2 words)
49. Bob Marley’s genre
51. Four-wheeled toy with a handle
53. Director Spike
55. “___ Grows in Brooklyn” (1943 bestseller) (2 words)
56. High IQ organization
57. League with the Giants and Titans (abbrev.)
58. Yale students, slangily
59. ___ Alto, California
60. Red Muppet
61. Throw out
62. Jazz trumpeter Baker or country musician Atkins
64. Gave a meal to
65. N.Y.C. airport near the former Shea Stadium
(abbrev.) |
Wait, don’t peek yet. Here come the solutions.

About the Author
Matt Jones is a 1998 graduate of Willamette University in Salem, Ore., where he majored in music education. Since 1994, he has also written crosswords for venues such as The New York Times, Games Magazine and Stagebill. He currently writes a syndicated weekly puzzle for more than 50 alternative newspapers across the country.