A Wish Come True Band Uniforms

For more than 20 years, A Wish Come True (AWCT) has provided color guards and dance teams with outfits tailored to their programs. This year the company decided to start offering custom performance uniforms for full marching ensembles.

The addition of band uniforms was mainly in response to new indoor band competitions, such as the 2015 debut of WGI Winds. “Percussion groups have started wearing uniforms for indoor performances … and with WGI expanding into Winds, that’s a big reason,” says Renée Stojek, marketing director of AWCT.

The company also saw marching bands that were looking for something out of the ordinary, such as adapting their uniforms to coordinate with color guard attire. “The market for uniforms is changing,” explains Stojek. “It doesn’t have to be so traditional. We’ve seen groups doing different things with their uniforms, and we thought we could service those customers.”

Prices will also be custom but start at $82 for a top, $52 for pants and $22 for a hat wrap. The wrap is a foam-based piece that stretches around a hat for a brand new look.

For more information on the uniforms, visit www.awctcolorguard.com.

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