Brooks-Art Creations

With the end of another school year right around the corner, Brooks-Art Creations’ custom metal sculptures offer a personalized alternative to the usual trophies and wall plaques for student awards. Life-size and desktop models are available in almost any marching or concert band category including woodwinds, brass, percussion, mallet instruments, color guard and drum majors. Wall-mount versions can be used as decoration in band rooms or homes.

Several music programs use the 10-inch fi gurines for graduating senior or outstanding student awards. “In most situations, if the students are given a choice, they will choose the fi gurines rather than a plaque,” says creator Bob Brooks. “Why? The students will take the fi gurines with them as they leave home upon graduation.”

After working as a band director in Arkansas for nine years, Brooks left teaching to enter the business world.

Brooks personally makes each item himself. The sculptures are available in four colors—natural metal, silver, gold and black. Custom work is available. For more information, visit

About author

Elizabeth Geli

Elizabeth Geli is the assistant editor of Halftime Magazine and a journalist/communications professional in Southern California. Her 11 years at the University of Southern California (USC) Trojan Marching Band included time as a flute player, graduate teaching assistant, and student advocate. She holds a bachelor's degree in Print Journalism and master's degree in Specialized Journalism (The Arts) from USC.


Playing a brass instrument requires the coordinated use of many different muscles. A mirror can help you learn to use your muscles in the most ...