ChopSaver: “For Musicians With Lips”

In the blistering heat of summer or the chilling cold of winter, the sensitive skin of our lips does not fare well—especially if you’re a wind or brass player in a marching band. To protect your lips in any climate, give ChopSaver a try.

Created by professional trumpet player Dan Gosling, this lip balm is a combination of all-natural ingredients such as shea butter, mango butter and “arnica montana,” an herb that helps reduce bruising and swelling. Gosling claims that the lip balm addresses the needs of wind and brass players like no other product, thanks to the healing properties of its ingredients.

“I just had a comment from someone who ordered [ChopSaver] online: ‘I am going to use your product until the day I die.’” Gosling says. “That’s the most gratifying thing—when a band director says he wants to get it for his whole band or an established pro in the business swears by it.”

The ointment keeps your lips moisturized for hours without leaving a waxy residue, and its lemony scent is a pleasant change from the harsh, chemical smells of many other products on the market, according to the company website.

For more information, visit

About author

Janel Healy

Janel Healy currently works as a professional vocalist for Holland America Line. She graduated from the University of Southern California in 2008 with a degree in communication and a minor in American studies. While at USC, she sang alto in her a cappella group, the SoCal VoCals, which won first place in the 2008 International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella. She played trumpet and piano in junior high.

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