Digital Performance Gear

digital performance gear

Digital Performance Gear (DPG) is taking marching uniforms to the next level. Because of the trend toward conceptual-based performances in lieu of purely spirit-based affairs, some groups have been purchasing new uniforms or accessories to complement their exact show themes rather than reuse standard uniforms year after year. To Ryan Bybee, owner of DPG, this movement represented an opportunity. “We noticed a kind of void, where the majority of ensembles couldn’t afford to do that,” he says.

With DPG organizations can customize uniforms with virtually any artwork through digital printing. “The creativity is in the artwork,” Bybee says. “You can have three colors on them or 300; it doesn’t affect the price,” allowing for “unlimited creativity at a budgeted price point.”

In addition to its uniform offerings, DPG custom prints accessories such as hat slips, trombone and tuba slips, flags, tarps, and props.

DPG also operates an online apparel store with a charitable twist. Simply provide DPG with a logo, and they will set up an online store for members of your organization to purchase up to 15 different products bearing your design. Organizations receive a 10% to 20% fundraising check.

About author

Emily Moneymaker

Emily Moneymaker is a graduate from the University of Southern California (USC) where she received a Bachelor of Science in Policy, Planning and Development and a minor in marketing. She has played trumpet for more than 12 years. She marched in the USC Trojan Marching Band and served as the organization's recruitment manager.

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