Wenger OnBoard Transportation Carts

The pit crew may now have an easier time getting equipment on and off the field. Wenger, which has traditionally concentrated on concert and orchestra stage equipment, recently released three new products—a bass drum/gong cart, a speaker cart and a timpani cart—for the marching band market. Each of the products is part of Wenger’s OnBoard line, which launched two years ago and features pneumatic tires for easy transport.

“[Our customers] look to us for making durable products,” says Denny Meyer, product manager for marching band products. “We do a lot of customer research. We spend a lot of time in the trenches. We spend time watching these bands load and unload equipment and get it on the field.”

The speaker cart can adjust to hold the speakers at an angle to project to the crowd. The bass drum/gong cart is a dual-purpose cart for either a large bass drum (up to 40” in diameter) or a gong. The timpani cart is actually two carts. Players can bring the carts onto the field and pull the front one around on an angle to create a V-shape. A platform folds down for the musician to stand on.

For more information, visit www.wengercorp.com/onboard.

About author

Eddie Carden

Eddie Carden is an editorial intern for Halftime Magazine. He is a recent graduate from the University of Southern California (USC), with a major in public relations and neuroscience. He has been playing the trumpet since the fifth grade and served last year as the drum major for the USC “Spirit of Troy” Trojan Marching Band.

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