Crossword: How Low Can You Go?

crossword puzzle

Halftime Crossword Puzzle


1. Give someone a hand
5. Froth made by ocean waves
9. Spoil (2 words)
14. Activity with mats
15. Woody Guthrie’s folk-singing son
16. Imperfect
17. Business school degrees (abbr.)
18. Rapper who ended up on “Law & Order: SVU”
19. Polished, like a musical performance
20. They can sound as low as a Bb two octaves below middle C (2 words)
23. Where some passengers may get lost (2 words)
24. Also
25. Closed
28. Honolulu neckwear
29. Amateur’s counterpart
32. To the ___ degree
34. First beat in 4/4 time
35. Sporting event postponer
37. Automotive stuff that gets buffed on (2 words)
39. Their lowest note can start at the F below two octaves below middle C
41. Committee heads
43. Some basketball shots
44. Jackson 5 hit of 1970
45. “___” for “elephant” (2 words)
47. Quarterback Manning
48. Former Chinese Chairman
51. ___ fun at
53. Bread in Indian restaurants
55. Rough nail file material
57. In some cases, they can sound as low as almost two octaves below
middle C (2 words)
61. “You’re making ___ mistake!” (2 words)
63. Collector’s ___
64. Catcher’s glove
65. The name a composer gives to a composition
66. Packet of copier paper
67. Suffer from sore muscles
68. Ford model that failed
69. “Como ___ usted?”
70. Fly high
1. Handheld crash maker
2. Shaped like a section of the brain
3. Tennis star Andre
4. Out of fashion
5. Flunk out
6. Killer whale
7. Awake
8. Make gestures, like a conductor
9. Fence opening
10. Leaves out
11. Major music events to prepare for (2 words)
12. Tree used to make baseball bats
13. When to set your clocks ahead an hour (abbr.)
21. Get on film
22. Dweebish and unhip
(2 words)
26. Spanish article
27. ___-Mex cuisine
30. He wrote “Trois marches militaires” and “The William Tell Overture”
31. “Are you a good witch ___ bad witch?” (2 words)
33. They’re pulled out during sad movies (slang)
35. “___ said to the guy …”
(2 words)
36. Rate measured by a radar gun (abbr.)
38. They come between dos and mis
39. Kinda funny sounding early relatives of trombones
40. Gardening tool
41. Baseball hat
42. “The Sopranos” cable network
46. Type of humor in The Onion
48. Country represented
by marching bands in Veracruz
49. Singing legend Franklin
50. Pearl producer
52. Bird that’s a mascot of many schools
54. Sheet music necessities
56. Bandmates of the Papas
58. Fishing gear
59. Hardly slobbish
60. Spice Girl Bunton
61. Had some lunch
62. Ducked down


Wait, don’t peek yet. Here come the solutions.


Halftime Crossword Solution


About the Author:

Matt Jones is a 1998 graduate of Willamette University in Salem, Ore., where he majored in music education. Since 1994, he has also written crosswords for venues such as The New York Times, Games Magazine and Stagebill. He currently writes a syndicated weekly puzzle for more than 50 alternative newspapers across the country.


About author

Matt Jones

Matt Jones is a 1998 graduate of Willamette University in Salem, Oregon, where he majored in music education. Since 1994, he has also written crosswords for venues such as The New York Times, Games Magazine and Stagebill. He currently writes a syndicated weekly puzzle for more than 50 alternative newspapers across the country.

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