What Now?

A photo of Adam Wiencken

The effects of the global pandemic have drastically changed how we operate in our daily lives. Without ensemble rehearsals or performances, many of you are probably asking, “Well, what do I do now?” or “What’s next?”

The following are some thoughts on what you could be doing musically to maximize your time and how to prepare to resume our normal life.

Take Private Lessons

Many private instructors have adjusted their ways of teaching to accommodate students with virtual lessons while navigating through this crisis. Even if you haven’t started private lessons or can only afford one per month or every other week, consider becoming active in taking private lessons online. Now may also be your opportunity to focus on a specific discipline within your craft.

Connect Socially

Talk, Facetime, Zoom—whatever—with your friends, teachers, colleagues, and loved ones. Connecting is good for the soul! Take this time to reconnect with people who you may have lost touch with. This sort of connection will give us something to look forward to each day.

Get Ahead

Many states are posting their All-State Etudes for 2021. Start learning them! Have a junior or senior recital next semester or school year? Start woodshedding!

Have a marching band, drum corps, or indoor percussion audition coming up in the next year? Purchase the material! If they haven’t posted audition materials yet, buy and learn past pieces.

Enjoy Your “Free” Time

These are truly unprecedented times. Although cancellations and postponements are undoubtedly disappointing, take advantage of this free time to recharge, reconnect, and relish in the time you’ve been given for yourself and your family. Eventually, we will all resume the daily grind where you “don’t have time” or are “too tired” for anything outside of your work or school activities. Make the best of this unfortunate situation. Help others and reconnect while also recharging yourself.

About author

Adam Wiencken

Adam Wiencken is the percussion specialist for Broken Arrow (Oklahoma) Public Schools and the battery arranger for the Spirit of Atlanta Drum and Bugle Corps. He is an alumnus of the Madison Scouts and The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps. He is a Yamaha Performing Artist and an educational artist for Innovative Percussion Inc., Remo drumheads, Zildjian cymbals, and MEINL Percussion.

Regional Marching Band Events

Regionals – May/June 2014

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