2009 DCI Rule Changes

Drum Corps International (DCI) introduced three rule changes at its annual meeting.

The first increased the number of judges at regular season events from five to eight and reduced the number of judges at premier events and World Championships from 11 to 10.

The second rule change allowed for results to end in a tie.

The final change clarified the wording of several electronics rules, passed last year, that go into effect for the 2009 season. Electronic music must be performed live; pre-recorded or programmed musical loops and sequences will not be allowed although pre-recorded sound effects and human voice may be used.

For more information about the rule changes, visit www.dci.org.

About author

Eddie Carden

Eddie Carden is an editorial intern for Halftime Magazine. He is a recent graduate from the University of Southern California (USC), with a major in public relations and neuroscience. He has been playing the trumpet since the fifth grade and served last year as the drum major for the USC “Spirit of Troy” Trojan Marching Band.

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