Keep Music Alive

“88+ Ways Music Can Change Your Life,” a book featuring true music stories, quotes and anecdotes contributed by people all over the country, will be available in May 2015. Authors Joann Pierdomenico and Vincent James are creating the book as a part of their mission to Keep Music Alive (KMA).

“I think if [people] go throughout the book, they’re going to identify with certain stories and be genuinely touched inside,” James says.

This book is not just about a love of music, however. It is also about raising awareness of the positive effects that music has on people all around the world. KMA’s goal is to create a voice large enough to make a difference for the arts in education on the state and national level.

The book will include summarized research about the positive effects that music has on the education and scholastic abilities of children. It will also include tips on what some school districts have done to avoid losing music in spite of budget cuts. James hopes that it will serve as a tool for communities to keep music in the school environment.

Find “88+ Ways Music Can Change Your Life” on and for $14.95 and as an e-book for $4.99. Twenty-five percent of the proceeds will be donated to music charities.

About author

Liz Neidich

Liz Neidich is a freelance writer for Halftime Magazine. She graduated from the University of Cincinnati (UC) in 2015 with a B.A. in creative writing, a B.A. in communications, and a certificate in journalism. She marched trumpet for five years in the Kenston High School Marching Band in Bainbridge, Ohio, and for three years in the UC Bearcat Marching Band. Liz currently serves as an Americorps VISTA on the communications and events team at CityLink Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.

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