Celebrates 20th Season

A photo of Ken Martinson.

To Ken Martinson, marching is more than a hobby; it’s a self-described “lifelong passion.” Martinson has held numerous positions within the marching community throughout his life, including performer, instructor, event manager and judge. Yet his most significant title is founder of, a website that provides event information, links and resources to the marching community.

In 1995, the Internet was a relatively new phenomenon. Martinson was introduced to the Internet through his job at a software company. This experience, coupled with a friends’ creation of a personal website, piqued his interest.

Martinson’s decision to create a website dedicated to the marching arts was not without its difficulties. The site’s first code was written by hand with few resources available. Martinson feels that his website was a pioneer in its field. “There were no other sites presenting the type of information found on, so everything was essentially designed and invented from scratch.”

Although focuses upon the marching community, Martinson sees the website’s role in broader terms. As he has traveled around the world through, he’s been in contact with his fair share of celebrities and has had the opportunity to stress the importance of the arts. “I always remind them of the correlation between music programs and success in school.”

Nothing specific is currently planned to celebrate the site’s 20th season, but there is still much to be excited for. Martinson plans to reflect back on all that has happened since he first started the website, and readers can expect to be kept up to date with the latest details in the marching world.

“The site will continue to be a positive voice and will continue to celebrate marching performers as rock stars,” Martinson says.

About author

Emily Moneymaker

Emily Moneymaker is a graduate from the University of Southern California (USC) where she received a Bachelor of Science in Policy, Planning and Development and a minor in marketing. She has played trumpet for more than 12 years. She marched in the USC Trojan Marching Band and served as the organization's recruitment manager.