USSBA Creates March 4 Music

Following a similar format as the popular Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure and other charity walks, the US Scholastic Band Association (USSBA) has announced the launch of March 4 Music, a cooperative fundraising effort being held in 12 communities across the northeastern United States on March 28, 2010.

Culminating National Music in the Schools Month, the 5K walk or “Marchathon” events will raise funds and awareness about the benefits of music education. Each charter host location will bring together students, educators and community members from several neighboring and local music programs for “a day of dynamic and profitable fundraising and to celebrate their common dedication to the performing arts in schools,” according to the USSBA website.

Participating bands will receive 70 percent of money raised by their schools while the USSBA will retain the remaining 30 percent to cover administrative costs of operating the event. For more information, visit

About author

Christine Ngeo Katzman

Christine Ngeo Katzman is founder and chief executive officer of Muse Media, LLC, creator of books, magazines, and additional content highlighting performing arts and youth activities. Magazine assets include Halftime Magazine for marching arts participants and fans as well as Yamaha SupportED Magazine for K through 12 music educators. Previously, she was a writer and editor at Crain Communications and Imagination Publishing and a marketing manager at Chatsworth Products, Inc. Christine also worked for Yamaha Band and Orchestral Division. As a child, Christine learned five instruments, with flute being primary. She marched in the Northwestern University Marching Band, including the 1996 Rose Bowl and 1997 Citrus Bowl. Christine graduated cum laude from Northwestern University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in 1997 and earned an MBA with honors from the University of Southern California in 2007.

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