Making the Most of WGI 2021

A photo of Adam Wiencken

We’ve been dealt a tough hand in 2020 and now face another altered indoor marching season for 2021.

Although easy to be discouraged by current scenarios, you have plenty of reasons to be excited about opportunities being presented by WGI Sport of the Arts.

For the 2021 season, WGI gives performers many options to participate as a soloist, in a small group, or with your traditional school or independent ensemble. Even if your organization as a whole may focus efforts elsewhere, perhaps more than one way can work for participants or the program.


Looking to participate and receive feedback in a non-competitive format? Through the non-competitive lens, students and teachers can learn what a WGI experience provides. Whether you are starting a new program, developing younger students, or learning the show production process for the first time, the non-competitive format provides low risks and high rewards for all involved.

The eShowcase option allows groups to think outside of the box. Collaboration between multiple arts disciplines paired with video and sound editing may show the rest of the activity what is truly possible. If you can dream it, you can do it.

Through the virtual commUNITY project, students can join with others all across the world in a unified, edited virtual show.


Looking for a competitive environment? WGI 2021 presents a number of ways to compete in this new climate.

Students that go the extra mile, or students who do not have their own group, can participate in a solo or small ensemble format, receiving feedback from top adjudicators.

Typical groups with at least 10 performers can also participate in virtual contests without ever leaving their own campuses. Groups will receive valuable feedback and adjudication about their video submissions and even have opportunities to advance through a series of rounds similar to that of a typical WGI championship.

2020 and now 2021 are different, but different doesn’t mean worse. Consider participating in some way in the 2021 WGI season. Whatever you do, make the most of it.

About author

Adam Wiencken

Adam Wiencken is the percussion specialist for Broken Arrow (Oklahoma) Public Schools and the battery arranger for the Spirit of Atlanta Drum and Bugle Corps. He is an alumnus of the Madison Scouts and The Cavaliers Drum and Bugle Corps. He is a Yamaha Performing Artist and an educational artist for Innovative Percussion Inc., Remo drumheads, Zildjian cymbals, and MEINL Percussion.

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