Tips, Routines, and Equipment from Band Shoppe

Tips, Routines, and Equipment from Band Shoppe
Get ideas and items you need to maintain and improve your color guard and percussion skills at home.

As much as we hoped that the fall marching activity would not be affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, many competitions have been canceled and programs have been shelved for the 2020 season.

As these decisions were announced, our Band Shoppe team began to discuss how we could support our customers and help them continue to grow as skilled performers.

Routines at Home

We want to encourage performers to keep improving their skills. For brass, wind, and percussion players, initiate a video call with other musicians to rehearse together, practice in front of a mirror to check on positioning and posture, and stay in shape by getting daily exercise.

For guard members, learn to spin a new prop like a sabre or rifle, challenge yourself with a new toss, or try choreographing a short routine to boost creativity.

Our team released the following short flag and rifle routines to encourage guard members to get outside and practice.

Guard and Percussion Products

Some students may not have all of the equipment needed to practice at home. We carry all of the necessary guard equipment including in-stock solid-color or printed flags, flag poles, rifles, sabres, tape, and gloves. We also have personal equipment bags to store items all in one place.

New this year, we have added percussion products to help performers and instructors find everything needed for their season in one convenient location. We carry drumsticks and mallets, percussion racks and clamps, practice pads, and more!

Browse our “Practice at Home Look Books to see the curated looks we prepared for percussion and guard participants.

We hope that this year will encourage everyone in the marching arts community to come together stronger and more enthusiastic than ever.

About author

By Band Shoppe

Since 1970, Band Shoppe has been serving music educators and guard instructors along with the marching arts community across the globe by providing quality marching band, percussion, and color guard products.

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Find out why you're playing the clarinet! From Halftime Magazine, a print publication and website for the marching arts.