Clean Your Sax!
OK, let me start by saying that maybe I am not the very best about cleaning my instrument. I do ... -
Updated Yamaha Chimes and Saxophone
If you play the chimes or saxophone, you will have an improved experience with Yamaha’s revamped products. Yamaha has redesigned ... -
Explore, Expand, Energize
After the excitement of marching season in summer and fall months, rehearsals often become routine when preparing for festival or ... -
The Secret to More Sound
The required musical skills out on the marching band field are the same as inside a concert hall, band room, ... -
Learn From “Mistakes”
While in pursuit of the "perfect" playing experience, we make a lot of mistakes. But keep in mind that mistakes ... -
The Art in Articulation
How many ways can you articulate a note? This question is akin to asking: How many ways can you articulate ...