Band Keeps Playing as Lightning Strikes During Halftime

When lightning struck nearby during the Orlando University High School Marching Band’s halftime show, football players and spectators ran away screaming as the band and color guard kept marching and the drum major never skipped a beat.


Video obtained by the Orlando Sentinel shows a bolt of lightning strike a tree just feet from the field during halftime of a game between Orlando University High School and Boone High School last Friday. The strike marked the arrival of a massive storm, with fans taking shelter underneath the bleachers for nearly an hour, according to the Sentinel.

“We all ran for cover,” Boone parent Bob Jones told the newspaper. “The weather was great and it hit with no warning. Friday the 13th was a crazy night.”

Officials called the game at half — University won 14-7 — and there were no reported injuries. That in itself is a tremendous stroke of luck, as the Boone team — wearing white and orange on the far side of the field — was congregated not far from the struck tree.

View the band’s field show below, the lighting strikes soon after 5:00 in this shocking video:

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