Band Students Protest Over Old Uniforms

Eight students from the Yates High School Band in Houston, Texas boycotted a halftime show performance, citing the condition of their marching uniforms.

Band member Joshua Stewart told KPRC Houston: “It’s like a real horrible smell whenever you open up the uniform, even after it has been washed. As I march I can smell the filth coming from the uniform, which makes me want to upchuck on the field.”

The protesting band members wore all black and sat in the stands as the band’s 31 other members performed in temporary track suit uniforms at the school’s rivalry football game. The booster parents say it’s the schools responsibility to purchase new uniforms as promised, while the school district fired back that there just isn’t enough money due to instrument purchases and repairs.

Watch the video below and read the full original story at KPRC Houston. What would you do in this situation? What do you think about the protest?

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