DCI Battles for Funds in “Brackets For Good”

Drum Corps International is rallying supporters in the “Brackets For Good” challenge. The six-round, single elimination bracket challenge gives Indianapolis non-profits the opportunity to raise money for their projects and compete for a grand prize in the spirit of March Madness.

mmhw-project-dciEach one dollar donation equals one point, and at the end of each round, the winning non-profit advances. Non-profits keep all funds raised in their name regardless of the game results. DCI’s will use the funds for the Marching Music Health &  Wellness Project, a group of health professionals working to keep drum corps performers healthy and safe.

“The Marching Music Health and Wellness Project provides us with tremendous opportunities to share timely information and best practices with performance ensembles around the world,” says Susan Kuehnhold, Director of Events, Community and Corps Relations for Drum Corps International on their website. “Our participation in this year’s Brackets for Good campaign will continue to provide this growing program with much-needed exposure and an opportunity to generate funding for expanding the reach of its important initiatives.”

DCI must best its current opponent by the evening of this Friday, March 4th in order to advance. To make a donation, go to https://indianapolis.bfg.org/bracket.


Source: Drum Corps International
Photos courtesy of Drum Corps International

About author

Elizabeth Geli

Elizabeth Geli is the assistant editor of Halftime Magazine and a journalist/communications professional in Southern California. Her 11 years at the University of Southern California (USC) Trojan Marching Band included time as a flute player, graduate teaching assistant, and student advocate. She holds a bachelor's degree in Print Journalism and master's degree in Specialized Journalism (The Arts) from USC.

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