Hoch Named Permanent Director of Ohio State Marching Band

Christopher Hoch has been named director of The Ohio State University Marching and Athletic Bands. Also today, the School of Music faculty voted to confirm his position as assistant professor in the School of Music. Subject to approval by the university Board of Trustees, his appointment is effective June 1, 2016, through May 31, 2020.

Hoch has served as interim director since May of 2015, and oversaw an extraordinary year for the marching band. Under his leadership, the band performed stunning halftime shows that have been viewed by millions of people in public performances and on YouTube. It went to London to march on Regent Street and perform in Wembley Stadium for an NFL game, and was the subject of a feature story in The New York Times.

He has 16 years of experience teaching music and leading young people in various band and musical ensemble programs at the high school and college levels, including at Ohio State. Hoch joined Ohio State in 2012 as assistant and then associate director of marching and athletic bands. As interim director he has been responsible for overseeing all elements of show design as well as band tryouts, music rehearsals, student staff and other administrative responsibilities.

“Over the past year, Chris Hoch has proven himself on and off the field with our world-class marching band,” said Bruce A. McPheron, interim executive vice president and provost. “He has shown focus toward putting our students first and as director, will be expected to continue to instill in students the highest standard for their personal conduct, on and off the field.”

In addition to his band director responsibilities, Hoch will be a member of the faculty in the School of Music and will teach several courses each year, conduct research and perform public service. The faculty position is tenure-eligible and his appointment will be reviewed for tenure and promotion no later than 2021-22.

His Ohio State education includes bachelor’s degrees in mathematics and music education in 2000, master’s degrees in instrumental conducting and music education in 2002, and a doctorate in music education in 2012.

His teaching interests include brass, woodwind and percussion pedagogy; instrumental conducting; marching band history and administration; and marching band show design.

Photo courtesy of The Ohio State University

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