Student Uses Make-A-Wish Opportunity to Help Band

In the face of chemotherapy and a life-threatening muscular disorder, 17-year-old Stephen Dominguez made a selfless wish to help his high school band and drum line.

The Make-A-Wish Foundation grants wishes to children with life-threatening medical conditions. Many wish to meet a celebrity, go on a vacation, or attend important events. But for Dominguez, his marching band was the first thing that came to mind.

His parents kept it a secret from him and the foundation worked with Guitar Center and Dynasty USA on the surprise presentation. During a football game halftime at Del Valle High School in El Paso, Texas, Dominguez was surprised with the new equipment.

“They are my brothers and my sisters and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for them,” Dominguez told KVIA.

Watch KVIA’s full story:

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Watch the full halftime presentation, posted by the Del Valle School District:

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