Theft Investigation Leads to University of Illinois Director of Bands Resignation

A theft investigation has prompted the resignation of Dr. Robert Rumbelow, Director of Bands at the University of Illinois. Rumbelow sold old university-owned instruments and deposited the money in to his personal bank account.

From the Chicago Tribune:

Rumbelow’s attorney, Daniel Jackson, said his client may have violated university policies regarding property, but that there was no criminal intent. He said Rumbelow sold the instruments to raise money to fund a study on the feasibility of constructing a new band building to replace the aging one. He planned to give the money to the university, in the form of an anonymous donation, after selling all the instruments, Jackson said.

“He never spent any of it for anything, nor did he intend to keep any of it,” Jackson said. “It was always sitting there, waiting to go back to the university, which it has. He hasn’t spent a nickel of it for himself.” …

U. of I. police began investigating Rumbelow’s activities in mid-June after the university’s ethics office received a complaint. The police investigation found that, between 2011 and 2013, Rumbelow sold about $55,000 worth of instruments on eBay, including to a collector in Seattle, and another $22,000 worth to a school, authorities said.

Rumbelow gave $87,000 to the university when he resigned, which was the full amount they requested. They are also investigating unauthorized charges on his university credit card. He has been Director of Bands since 2010.

Click here to read the full story from the Chicago Tribune.

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