Tuba Pileup Video Goes Viral

Every marcher’s worst nightmare was caught on camera in Austin, Texas, when the Lake Travis High School Marching Band suffered a seven-tuba (Sousaphone) pileup.

The hilarious yet traumatizing video quickly went viral on numerous news sites, local broadcasts, and even “Good Morning America.” Abroad, it was shown on the Australia’s version of “The Today Show.”

“We’re at 1.5 MILLION views on YouTube and still counting…” says video owner Wes Rowe on YouTube. “WOW this has been an amazing ride- I’m just a normal guy who was filming his friends when something extraordinary happened. I posted the video at 11:35pm then texted the link to TWO friends in the band. By 9am the next morning= over 2000 views and took on a life of its own.”

Thankfully none of the students were injured, although according to Rowe two of the instruments were damaged. Even more impressive is how quickly the fallen recovered, and how those around them kept marching and playing–although the shock exhibited by the passing guard members is pretty priceless.

The band and students have had a good sense of humor regarding the ordeal, their Facebook page lauds their now-famous tuba players.

What’s the worst marching mishap you’ve seen or been a part of?

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