What are the Most Memorable WGI Stunts?

Halftime Magazine is writing a feature story about the Most Memorable Stunts in WGI, both in percussion and color guard. We would love to hear your feedback, which may be included in the article. This is your chance to tell the world which groups had the most impressive stunts–not necessarily who was the best champion.

Which acrobatic maneuver show made you hold your breath wondering if the performer would land it? Which equipment allowed the human body to accomplish something spectacular? Or was there a show where you witnessed something you had never seen or heard before from the floor that had you talking about it years later? Or which show made a lasting impact on the entire WGI movement?

Nominate your favorite stunts of all time online in the comments section of this page or by clicking here to “Contact Us” with subject line, “Most Memorable WGI Stunts.” Please be as specific as possible regarding group names and show years. Comments must be posted and emails sent by February 5, 2014, to be considered. Then read the results in our March/April 2014 issue.

Photo by Jolesch Photography, www.jolesch.com, and courtesy of WGI Sport of the Arts.

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