Win Up to $35,000 in “We Are Band!” Video Challenge

We are band video challenge
BAND organization management app creates video competition for scholastic bands.

Marching bands could win up to $35,000 by doing what they do best—performing energetic, creative shows—thanks to the “We Are Band! – #bandchallenge” by BAND, an organization management software company.

To qualify, bands must learn and film themselves playing the “BAND Song,” an upbeat 45-second piece written specifically for this contest. Bands can re-arrange or remix the song to add their own spin.

Bands must upload their videos to Youtube and post a link in the BAND competition community at

Participating ensembles can win in three categories: Biggest Buzz (most YouTube views), Fan Favorite (most YouTube likes), and Showmanship (most creative). A group can win in more than one category.

The competition is now open for any high school or middle school band program, including marching ensembles, concert bands, jazz bands, and drumlines. BAND will count YouTube likes and views at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on April 30. A panel of judges will determine the most creative video. BAND will announce the winners by May 10.

The competition will help bands fundraise for trips as well as raise awareness of bands’ entertainment value, says Peter Hensch, BAND business development manager.

The BAND app, available on the Apple App Store and Google Play, would allow band directors to create groups within their organizations and send out notifications. Members of those groups can comment on posts and provide instant feedback. Users can also share videos and photos, so band directors could upload sheet music while parents could upload videos of performances, for example.

To access the music and read more details about the “We Are Band! – #bandchallenge,” visit For more information about the BAND app, visit

About author

Nicole Roberts

Nicole Roberts is the city hall reporter for the News Tribune in Jefferson City, Missouri. She graduated from Missouri State University with a degree in print/internet journalism and a minor in psychology. She played clarinet in the Missouri State Pride Band and in her high school’s marching band.

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