Nominate Your Band – Lacy Blair

Halftime Magazine asked its readers, “How has marching band impacted your life?” Find out Lacy Blair’s answer.

School/Band: Fruitland (Idaho) High School Grizzly Marching Band
Year In School: Sophomore
Instrument: Tenor Saxophone
Video: “FHS Band Video”

When I began this project, I thought it would be easy, and I could fly right through it. Not so. It really made me realize the changes marching band made in my life.

Participating in marching band has given me organizational skills and structure. It has shown me that I must be more detail-oriented and that promptness is not a maybe but a requirement. We quickly learned to respect our chaperones and “band moms” who give so generously.

The more I worked on this, I realized that not only has marching band affected my life and the lives of my fellow members, but it is also a large part of our community. The community supports us with their time and donations. They came together, voted on a bond, and we now have a new, badly needed band room. In return, we play and march at all home games, district games and state games.

We compete in numerous competitions throughout the valley and always bring home a trophy, often 1st place. With the community’s support, we get to travel to different states to compete and also see what life is like outside of Fruitland. Many of us would never have that opportunity.

Without marching band, football games would be lifeless … no one to play the fight song, no pre-game or halftime entertainment. We love representing our little hometown. I’ve found that everyone in Idaho’s band community recognizes “The Pride of Western Idaho.”

If someone asks me where I’m from, and I say Fruitland, they most always respond with, “Man, they have a great marching band! Have you heard of them?”

I am so proud to say I am a part of that band. Marching band is very hard work. There are countless hours of doing one drill over and over until it is mastered and learning one song until you can play it in your sleep. We never forget hearing the director’s forceful voice from the podium: “Why can’t you march in step?”

If someone is struggling, I try to take the time to help them learn their drill. It benefits us all. Because of the hard work and effort on everyone’s part, there is one word that stays in your heart and soul … PRIDE.

Every time we put on our black and orange uniforms, lift our “justshined” instruments, step onto the field and receive the support of the crowd, it is a rush! There’s such a feeling of accomplishment to march your best step and play that last note.

It amazes me that I could go to band camp an unorganized, unstructured person and come away someone who walks in step in all areas of my life. … I am blessed to be part of such a great marching band. Marching band is my life.

Watch Lacy Blairs Video

Check out the other finalists’ essays and videos:

Voting for this year’s video/essay competition has ended. Thank you for your support and your votes. The winner and her band will receive a grand prize, valued at more than $3,000.

For the Winning Student:

  • $250 paid to the student
  • 1-year subscription to Halftime Magazine
  • Halftime Magazine T-shirt and other possible merchandise

For the Nominated Band:

  • $1,000 paid to the band
  • Full set of Remo PowerMax Pre-Muffled Marching Bass Drumheads, estimated retail value of $725
  • $500 (retail value) in Yamaha accessories
  • $500 (retail value) in Evans Drumheads or Rico Reeds
  • 1-year group subscription (10 copies per issue) to Halftime Magazine
  • Halftime Magazine T-shirt and other possible merchandise

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Heart and “Sole”

To ensure your optimum marching performance, take care of your feet with the right type of shoes. From Halftime Magazine, a print publication and website ...