Peacocks Drum Major Competitions Making a Comeback

Peacock drum major competitions making a comeback.

After a six-year hiatus, the Peacocks Marching World American Drum Major Competitions will return this year.

Dating back about 35 years, the Peacocks competition trains “up-and-coming drum majors to be able to go through an audition process and become drum majors at their respective high schools, drum corps, college bands—wherever they need to do an audition,” says Lawrence Johnson, chief adjudicator in field conducting and public relations representative.

Each clinic normally features between 50 to 80 performers. Prior to the day’s proceedings, participating students create their own routines for military baton, mace, or field conducting. Throughout the day, participants practice their routines, surrounded by their peers and instructors. After a uniform inspection by the event’s judges, these performers take the field one by one to showcase their three-minute routines to other participants and the event’s judges. Awards and feedback are given at the end of each event.

“The kids like to be on the gridiron,” Johnson says. “This process highlights that for them.”

Peacocks held a clinic/seminar in March with the summer schedule yet to be announced. For more information, visit

Photo courtesy of Peacocks Marching World.

About author

Emily Moneymaker

Emily Moneymaker is a graduate from the University of Southern California (USC) where she received a Bachelor of Science in Policy, Planning and Development and a minor in marketing. She has played trumpet for more than 12 years. She marched in the USC Trojan Marching Band and served as the organization's recruitment manager.

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