Getting a Boost

When it’s freezing cold outside, and your ears have become icicles. When your team is losing 0-21. When you’ve dropped a piece of equipment during your performance. Or when you’ve had a particularly difficult practice. There are many times throughout the marching season when situations are not ideal, and you feel down. Especially during these moments—but even during good times—you could use a pick-me-up.

This issue of Halftime Magazine is dedicated to boosters—band boosters, morale boosters and character boosters.

Our parents are probably the greatest influence in our lives. Ideally, they make sure we have food in our bellies, clothes on our backs, a roof over our heads and a few dollars in our pockets. For marching bands, the parents association serves much the same role—serving food to the students at football games and competitions; hemming, sorting and cleaning uniforms; building props; and fundraising. Most of all, parents give their time, money and love unselfishly as does the parent board—without whom many bands would not have the ability to run their programs effectively. “The Role of Band Boosters” highlights all of the important contributions that parent associations make to the band.

Of course, our parents can’t be with us every minute of the day, especially when we’re on the field rehearsing or performing. At those times, we rely on our friends, our band directors and even unspoken traditions to keep us going.

Read “How to Boost Morale” to find out how bands use cheers, chants, songs and pep talks to keep their motivation strong.

In the end, we must look inward to build our own character. As many individuals have said, marching band isn’t just about music education. It’s about teamwork, leadership and personal growth. And some students and directors have found that marching band just might be the avenue to help make the world a better place, too. “Bands Give Back” features marching bands and individuals who have participated in various philanthropic activities, such as raising funds to benefit cancer research or teaching music to underprivileged kids.

As you read through this issue, we hope you take the time to think about all of those who have helped you along the way. Show your appreciation and also pay it forward.

Keep on Marching,
Christine Ngeo Katzman
Publisher and Editor-in-Chief

About author

Christine Ngeo Katzman

Christine Ngeo Katzman is founder and chief executive officer of Muse Media, LLC, creator of books, magazines, and additional content highlighting performing arts and youth activities. Magazine assets include Halftime Magazine for marching arts participants and fans as well as Yamaha SupportED Magazine for K through 12 music educators. Previously, she was a writer and editor at Crain Communications and Imagination Publishing and a marketing manager at Chatsworth Products, Inc. Christine also worked for Yamaha Band and Orchestral Division. As a child, Christine learned five instruments, with flute being primary. She marched in the Northwestern University Marching Band, including the 1996 Rose Bowl and 1997 Citrus Bowl. Christine graduated cum laude from Northwestern University with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in 1997 and earned an MBA with honors from the University of Southern California in 2007.

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