Team-Building Tips

Some of the best parts of color guard are the friendships you develop from being part of a team. But building a cohesive team takes effort from every individual. Here are ways that you can contribute!


New members are especially anxious. Welcome them, ask them to sit with you during breaks and offer encouragement and support.

Talk to Everyone

It’s easy to slip into the comfort of a small clique. Make a special effort to talk to everyone.

Keep Positive

Complaining can quickly snowball and bring the whole team down. If you need to vent, do so to your parents or a journal, but keep things positive with your teammates.

Know Your Stuff

If you’re slacking with routines, your teammates will be frustrated. Make this a first priority!

Attend Guard Parties

They’re a great opportunity to get to know your teammates outside of rehearsal.

Follow Chain of Command

Sometimes issues or conflicts arise that need attention. Avoid rumors. Bring your concerns privately and respectfully to your coaches. You’ll avoid creating “drama,” and they’ll appreciate your mature approach.

Plan Surprises

What can you do to brighten everyone’s day? Maybe cookies and milk after rehearsal? Perhaps a fun sign for the guard closet? Unexpected surprises make things more fun.

Take a Deep Breath

If you’re struggling with a new section of the routine, take a deep breath and know that all of your teammates have been there before. Give yourself time or ask for help, but avoid showing your frustrations because stress spreads.

Establish Traditions

Fun traditions from wearing mismatched socks at rehearsal to special good luck gestures on competition day can help bring everyone closer.

Lend a Hand

See someone struggling? Offer to help. Not only will your teammate improve, but you’ll also have time to get to know him or her better too. It’s a win-win.

By participating in team building, you’ll create a family of performers who will help one another through difficult times and create amazing memories you’ll treasure for a lifetime!

About author

Catina Anderson

Catina Anderson has been involved in the marching arts for almost 30 years, first as a performer and then as an instructor. She is the founder/editor of, a website for color guard coaches. She earned a bachelor’s degree at Towson University and a master’s degree in education from Marymount University.

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