Hard Work Equals Success

Loara High School in Anaheim, Calif.
Third Place in the MGM Halftime Magazine “Claim Your FAME” Essay Contest

“Hard work equals success.” Those four words are so simple, yet so powerful. They are often used in the business world, where a lot of people tend to work alone to get to the top of the ladder. In the marching band, we all work together, oftentimes in sweltering heat, to reach our potential, and it shows when we put on a performance out on the football field.

To tell you quite frankly, when I signed up for marching band in 8th grade, I didn’t think how it would change my life for the better. I just thought, “This will either be fun or really hard and frustrating.”

At first, it was the latter. I was in a haze of confusion and almost considered quitting after my first day of band camp, but that all changed in time.

One short month later, I found myself marching in my bright white uniform on the football field at the end of our show, drenched in sweat. It was our first competition of the season, and I felt my adrenaline pumping as we formed the company front. As we poured out all of the energy left in us for the last two minutes of the show, the crowd roared with excitement, sending chills down my spine. I never thought that hard work could pay off like it did that night.

I have participated in two marching seasons thus far and have learned many lessons along the way. Marching band has inspired how I think more than anything else. I have learned to never doubt my potential and my talents. They have taken me farther than I ever would have imagined.

In fact, I believe each member, from the youngest freshman to the oldest senior contributes something to the band just like I do. What specific thing they give back to us all depends on the kind of person they are.

To this day, I continue to pass along what I’ve learned to everyone I can, so that they too will learn that hard work really does bring you success, not only in marching band but in life as well.

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