Band in Japan
Recently, I had the opportunity to sit in with the Hamamatsu (Japan) Commercial High School band. It was eye opening. ... -
Who Built Your Instrument?
I recently had the opportunity to travel to China and Japan to visit the factories where Yamaha manufacturers its musical ... -
Sail the Seven C’s
I’m borrowing the title of this column from a book by trumpeter and author Clyde Hunt. It’s apt as I ... -
Circuit Training
Circuit training is highly regarded as an efficient and effective approach to physical fitness. Performing a series of short exercises ... -
Note Bending
A brass pipe has resonant points or vibrational frequencies that correlate to the overtone series. These partials or harmonics represent ... -
Scene: A typical saloon in the Old West. An old north wind blows open the swinging saloon doors; tumbleweeds roll ... -
Whisper Tones
Whisper tones exist on the cusp of a note, just before the lips set into full vibration. As the name ... -
T.O.C. (Time Off Chops)
I am writing this article from a ship balcony overlooking the rainy streetscape of Juneau, Alaska. As I packed for ... -
Compression Tactics
Making a balloon squeal by releasing small amounts of air through a stretched opening bears resemblance to the function of ... -
Creature of Habit
My neurotic 9-pound terrier is happiest on days that follow normal and predictable patterns of activity. At the risk of ... -
Lost in the Shuffle
Listening to your music collection on shuffle or setting a streaming service on “radio” is a good way to discover ... -
Don't be a trumpet jock. A truly impressive player is one who uses physical chops to make music, not to ... -
Art, or Not
This column is not specifically about brass playing although jazz trumpeter Miles Davis figures prominently. The inspiration comes from the ... -
Choosing a Horn
Tips by jazz trumpet player Chase Sanborn on how to compare different instrument models when buying a new horn. From ... -
Project Your Sound
One of the differences between amateur and professional musicians is sound projection. Many brass students produce a sound that barely ... -
Inquiring Minds
Amidst the advances and distractions of the electronic age, learning to play an instrument remains a slow and methodical process. ... -
One Note at a Time
When practicing your brass instrument, play one note at a time and play every note to the best of your ... -
Give Me a Break!
When you make the leap from high school to university, you enjoy greater self-determination coupled with increased responsibility to manage ... -
Student Questionnaire
Here's a questionnaire for music students to make the most productive use of private lessons. By jazz trumpeter Chase Sanborn. ... -
Brass and Strings
On the surface string and brass instruments seem quite different, but dig a little deeper, and similarities appear. Jazz trumpeter ... -
Discover and listen to brass musicians on YouTube. You'll gain a powerful tool for your own playing. By jazz trumpeter ... -
The Slide Trumpet
Find out from brass instructor Chase Sanborn how the slide trumpet can be used as a learning tool. From Halftime ... -
Find out how to evaluate each music student's overall abilities. By Chase Sanborn, jazz trumpeter, educator and author. From Halftime ... -
How Much Should You Practice? (Part 2)
How much should you practice to achieve perfection? Insights from jazz trumpeter Chase Sanborn. From Halftime Magazine, a print publication ... -
How Much Should You Practice (Part 1)
The “10,000 Hour Rule” states that achieving expertise in anything requires 10,000 hours of practice. I recently pondered whether this ... -
Summer Reading
Summer’s coming—don’t slough off! Having something new to practice could be just the thing to draw you to the practice ... -
Gear Talk
In this issue’s column, you can get answers to a few common questions about selecting your ideal brass instrument. From ... -
Efficiency vs. Brute Force
An efficient brass player converts each bit of air into lip vibration, producing maximum results for a given amount of ... -
Breathing Exercises
We all know how to breathe; it’s the very first and last things we do! Advanced control of the air ... -
Mutes 101
Mutes insert into, are attached to, or are held in front of the bell of the horn. Though a mute ...